Journeying to the Land of Pink Sand

We will get to the pink sand part, but until then, here’s a few pictures of what we have been up to recently. Before we left Great Harbour Cay, we took a day to explore in the dinghy…

Paul using the ‘lookie bucket” to see a buried DC-3. The story goes a plane loaded with marijuana crashed near Great Harbour Cay in 1983.

This picture is for my dermatologist 🙂

Leaving the cut into Great Harbour Cay as we head toward Spanish Wells

The trek to Spanish Wells was one of rolling seas. Just a little FYI: we went in the direction of Spanish Wells as they have a better supply of boat parts. SeaScope was needing a fresh water pump and Ocean Spirit is having a battery issue. I have no pictures of our ride from Great Harbour Cay to Spanish Wells as they were hard to capture. Once we got into the Northwest Providence Channel the waves were between 4 to 6 feet, but with a duration of 10 to 11 seconds. The best way to describe our day would be like traveling on a slow roller coaster. It was actually fairly pleasant until the wind clocked around and was hitting us on the beam for approximately the last 10 miles.  I wish I could have captured Paul and Lynda on SeaScope who were in front of us. Sometimes they would disappear from sight as they went down into the swells. I think Paul had a lot of fun that day! It was all worth it to arrive in Spanish Wells and a white sandy beach. We rented a golf cart and toured this unique Bahamian town.

We had to have a libation to go with our conch strips

We decided to go to Harbour Island while we were in the area. Last year we didn’t venture to this area and had regretted that decision. To get to Harbour Island one must traverse through “Devil’s Backbone”. Perhaps that might explain our reasoning to pass this by last year. This area is filled with coral reefs that can easily ruin a day if an encounter were to occur. There are three ‘pilots’ available for hire to take you through the Devil’s Backbone. Bandit, aka Jock, joined us on Ocean Spirit to lead us to Harbour Island.

In tow behind Ocean Spirit is The Bandit Too which is Jock’s ride home. Following approximately 100 feet behind is SeaScope. To answer future questions, Yes….the same rental fare is paid by each boat the pilot’s either captain or lead into Harbour Island. Even the big boys (yachts over 100 feet) use their services.

As we left Spanish Wells we headed around Gun Point…

To happen upon some absolutely beautiful cruising waters…

The next picture depicts the coral heads. Apparently even the pilots will not attempt this trek when it is cloudy and the winds are high. To be able to ‘read’ the water is essential.

Though a bit stressful for SeaScope following behind us, our journey to Harbour Island was uneventful…the best kind. We visited with Bandit about his seafaring adventures and his decades of leading others through the Devil’s Backbone. When it was all said and done, he even presented us with loaves of homemade bread made by Mrs. Bandit.

OK….so you be the judge! Pink sand beaches? Jim and Paul both think it is a bit of a marketing ploy, but Lynda and I prefer to see the pink hues 🙂

If you look very closely you can see some pink specs!

Either way you see the beaches of Harbour Island, they are indeed some of the prettiest we have ever seen.

Our view as we enjoyed lunch at the popular Sip Sip Restaurant

We are currently anchored out in Harbour Island enjoying the fair winds and beauty of the island. In addition relishing the fact of running into boating friends we have met along the way. One of those is Payton. We first met him when he worked at Apex Marine in Stuart. He assisted with several projects on Ocean Spirit during the three months we were preparing for this journey. He now crews on a 100 & something foot yacht and we literally ran into him on a dock at Romora Bay Marina. This is the second time, by the way, our paths have crossed with him since leaving Stuart. Truly a small boating world!

An Italian dinner with Payton was enjoyed as well as wishing him an early 25th birthday

Now getting back to that battery issue that has plagued us. Jim has investigated, played out several scenarios, read forums, talked with knowledgable friends, etc. trying to figure out what to do with our dilemma. The only battery found in the Bahamas happened to be in Nassau. We were looking at having it shipped to Spanish Wells on the Fast Ferry or even swinging by Nassau on our way to the Exumas. The latter was not what the Admiral wanted to do. Still in the deciding process we received a phone call from friends we met in Fort Myers. They were in Nassau!! Talk about luck! So… fast forward….Kathy and Gene arrived this afternoon with a battery just for us delivered via Front Page!

As soon as he could, Jim, with Paul assisting in this very heavy project got the new battery on board. That was no easy feat from the dinghy and up the ladder. The installation went smoothly and the engine started right up. Fingers crossed this will fix our situation until we get back to the states and can replace the battery bank with a much more reasonable cost factor involved.

The battery bank is located in the generator room. The old problem battery can be seen at the top of the hatch entry.

One more thing to share: excitement on the Romora Marina dock.  A sportfish boat named Wolverine (yes, a Michigan fan) had the catch of a lifetime on Wednesday afternoon. We were coming in on the dinghy just in time for the fun.

A massive blue fin tuna, estimated at 500-600 pounds. There were two young boys on board (maybe 9 to 11 years old)….what a thrill!!

So that is our news for now.We have many more pictures to share with you, but the internet is really a struggle here. I will try to post some random updates on Facebook and hope our travels will take us to an area with better internet service for future blog posts.

Signing off for now with one of my favorite pictures of the week. We are grateful for each of you joining along!

12 Comments on “Journeying to the Land of Pink Sand

  1. Enjoying your blog and pics, Joanne, as well as the stories you happen upon. Fun adventure! Safe travels, God bless.

  2. Great pictures and amazing that you are running into people you have met before in your adventures. What a journey!

  3. What a blessed life you are leading. Love reading about your adventures.

  4. It is so wonderful traveling with you via blog! We will continue to be praying for your safe journey. Great adventures all around…so neat with the brothers!!😄

  5. Harbour Island has always been one of our favorites – and yes the sand is really pink .. comes from the coral reefs located just off shore. For a truly special-occasion evening make a reservation to have dinner at The Rock House or the Dunmire .. a bit pricey but a once in a lifetime experience you won’t forget!

  6. My, oh my!!! Such adventures! So happy for y’all! So cool- brothers traveling together. Keep those gorgeous pictures coming.

  7. What beautiful sand and clear water. The memories you are making . . Can’t believe you ran into someone you recently met. What a small world it truly is.

  8. Sounds like y’all are having a great adventure! I’m jealous!

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